Since a breast cancer diagnosis, I have been off work for quite a while, during this time several elderly family members have asked how to donate their surplus items, to which quite a few places don't particularly want "old fashioned stuff" so all of these relatives have health issues and wanted to help me find a way to support the Royal Marsden who looked after me so amazingly well, homefront was born. Its early days and I am not very techie.. to say the least and most days I really don't feel well enough but gradually over time, I am hoping for a really good place to share older generation classics and items that remind us of our love ones and ultimately support a fantastic hospital. Lots of love and thank you for visiting our website xx
please note.. me & harlz tested it and minimum postage is evri £2.79 which I am still trying to change.. very frustrating, so I have lowered prices to compensate for now..